Have you ever wondered why Homeopathy works so well for babies as I have? When they cannot tell the Homeopath how they feel or what is happening? Let us consider the following.
Homeopathy is a holistic system of healing that considers the person as a whole. It gives thought to everything about us. Our Physical, mental and emotional states. It gives takes into account our behaviours, interactions with others, life events and the importance of stages our life development. All the things that in combination make us individual. When we take a case Homeopaths are considering how an individual experience is presenting in the moment, through their expressions of body and mind.
From the moment our little ones are born they are bombarded with a plethora of stimuli from others and the world around them. During times where physical emotional cognitive and social development is taking place. We can start to realise why homeopathy is able to work so well with our babies. Who whilst wholly reliant on their mother to begin with soon start to develop their awareness of self and making connections with those around them, becoming an individual.
Through the first year, at six months they are really ramping up encounters of different foods, smells, tastes, touch, sounds, sights, textures, and environments. All these things are asking so much of the organism to receive, process, accept or reject.
We see them Identifying with the idea of self. Having fun when they see themselves in the mirror. Will recognize and respond to their name. Starting to differentiate between familiar faces and strangers, playing with you and others and responding to the emotions of others. Mimicking sounds and making them in return, putting sounds together that show positive and negative emotions.
They are becoming curious. Physically starting to development some independence sitting without a support. As they try to crawl, rolling over and rocking finding movement within the environment around them.
At the six month mark baby needs more than breastmilk alone, so we start introducing a whole new dimension as baby shows an interest in food.
When we take into the myriad of developmental stimuli it becomes easy to see why and how Homeopathy works so well with infants. The human body, the ever so clever organism that is it. Helps our little ones bring attention to those who are caring for them when something isn’t quite right.
Despite their amazing progress and they cannot hold a conversation talk yet and express what is happening for them. Instead, the body tells us its narrative as the vital force stimulates a response, through symptoms. Choosing often to cleverly present the symptoms in the most obvious of places on the body’s largest organ our skin.
It is well recognised in holistic medicine and accepted in the modern sciences the connection between emotional response and the gut, and the gut and the skin. The vital force (immune system) stimulates a response, and the organism (body) sends a signal. Perhaps in the form of some spots, a rash, a fever, change in colour of the skin. In homeopathy we do not look at these symptoms in isolation we know that there will be other signs in accompaniment.
Some factors which normally in an adult case we may find not as significant in an adult case can mean the difference in choosing one remedy over another for children, with beautiful simplicity such as are they clingy or independent. Making observations during the consultation surveying physical symptoms and much more. Looking for how the infant responds and interacts with the adult. Watching to see how alert they are. Do they seem restless or sleepy? Do they smile or cry?
Small details that when combined helps me arrive at the required remedy choice for your unique and ever so cleaver infant.
Sometimes we need intervene and help them along and sometimes we can muddy the waters if we don’t allow them to show us that which they need us to acknowledge.
Where this is the case, perhaps pause and observe. Baby, express yourself!