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Shine bright making meaningful connections for Burnout recovery.

When suffering with burnout we can feel disconnected and the last thing we want to do is let those closest to observe us in this condition. This is why it is so important that even when we don't feel like it we make the the effort. The longer summer evenings or weekends are the perfect time to spend some time with friends and family get outside, disconnect from the work place, get some fresh air, relax and have some fun.

Make a date with your sibling or friend so that so that they ensure you 'turn up'. In can help us to restore our sense of value with others and our relationships with them. Giving our vitality a boost,

My Homeopathic program for Burnout 'The business of you' helps support your sense of meaning and purpose when you are feeling disconnected and numb with Homeopathic consultation and carefully selected natural remedies for you, with supplementary advise and support for lifestyle adjustments, tissue salts and mineral support.

In a case a Client who described themselves as "Normally the life of the party" told me "I don't know why but I just can't be bothered", "I'm always the one that gives and I just don't have the energy".

The Homeopathic remedy Phosphorous was given for the sense of feeling flat and real indifference. These people are givers don’t know when to stop and so given too much with no boundaries.

They like company but not they’re just not their usual ‘bright’ self.  

During the follow up consultation they reported that they were "less sensitive to others comments and brighter in themselves. "

If you like to find out more about my programs or other available options. Book your free discovery call with me. Together, we can unlock your body’s natural healing potential and healthier, more balanced life with homeopathy.

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