As panto season is upon us what better than a remedy suited for the cheerful extroverted types.
Argentum Nitricum: Silver Nitrate

A remedy which mostly effects the nervous system, referred to as the actor’s remedy there is great anxiousness seen in the character of Argentum Nitricum.
Actors or singers may suffer with a hoarseness or loss of their voice, in anticipation of an up-and-coming event. Feeling their heart palpitate violently, they may even be sick with anticipation. A keynote is the pain felt in the throat which feels like a splinter.
They can be mistaken for the sweet pulsatilla type featured last week, as share similarities in their sympathetic, and suggestive nature. The difference can be seen in Argentum Nitricums silliness.
Their impulsiveness is a worry, verging on pure foolishness. Having a fear for heights has an impulse to jump from high bridges. They may suffer from vertigo with accompanying faintness.
As if intoxicated by their own impulses, their anxiety brings them fears, for the own safety, and health. Adopting compulsive, superstitious behaviours to seemingly protect themselves from their own thoughts or possible actions.
Also having action on the gastrointestinal systems, Argentum Nitricum may be distended. Rumblings which may or not by alleviated by eructation’s. Their loud belching or flatulence heard by their waiting audience.
Morrison, R M.D, 1993. Desk top guide to key notes and confirmatory symptoms: Hahnemann Clinic Publishing.
Phatak,Dr S.R .1999. Second Ed. Materia Medica of Homeoathic remedies. B Jain publishers ltd.