This weeks Homeopathy advent count down with just five weeks to go, and seeing the start of peoples festive celebrations features five possible party remedies.
Platina Mirror Mirror on the wall, You know I’m the most beautiful of all.
Theres no mistaking the feme fatale. Platina will seduce you and use you and when you do not live up to their expectations, they shall look down on you. NO one can love Platina as much as they love themself.
Platina sits in the noblest of positions, such a rare and precious thing. Highly sexualized and sensitive, nobody can satisfy the perfection as nobody is good enough, they go against the natural order in a selfish quest for domination and worship.
They hold themselves in such high regard when others do not live up to their expectation, they cast off relationships. This haughty siren resists giving even to their own feelings of love which turn and alternate with contempt. Like the substance itself platinum, can be hard and cold.
Palladium With your Praise I feel full and alive, without it I feel flat inside.
An element separated from platinum also has the huge egotistic traits of platinum but not the sexual seductive nature.
Instead inpalladium the ego is fulfilled and inflated through others appraisal. They absorb all the niceties like a sponge however its rapidly deflated when the flattery runs out, feeling neglected.
Palladium has not been born of the ‘vulgar way’ (* Vermeulen) from the female organs instead it is born (Goddess pallas Athena) straight from the head of Jupiter to seduce the whole of societies minds. Generally, a right sided symptom, especially the right ovary. They are vain and will do anything to appear attractive, but the sexual organs are painful and weak. Neglected they express in violent language and displays. Feeling empty and hollow.
Phosphorous All Fizz, lost Sparkle
Love to sociable but struggle with boundaries. Open they shine bright in a room they are be the centre of attention with easy conversation. Talking a lot and often. They love new things and the excitement of experiencing them. Curious creatures that like learning and travel. If they don’t throw themselves into things wholeheartedly, they fear they will be alone. This leads to a restlessness, and nervousness.
They become chilly associated with their sharing all their warmth with others. Another keynote of bright red haemorrhages represents their openness.
Phosphoricum Acidum Partied too hard
The openness of Phosphorus is too much with the extremes of acidum. These people become exhausted and drained. You’ll find they have nothing to give slow in responding, forgetful and maybe depressed. They don’t want to party anymore just leave me on the sofa to watch a film. Alcohol or drug abuse can cause great weakness the point of apathy. Suffering with purging involuntary bowel movements. They need to replenish and will want refreshing things.
Pulsatilla Sickly sweet
The pasque flower so sweet and delicate. Friends and Family are trusted and important for them. The child at the party that clings to their mum who prises them from her lap to join her friends at the party. Enjoying their company for the most part, they’ll be the one crying in the corner but not really no why.
Wanting you to comfort them, asking if you love them, their mood seems to change instantly like the April weather, she had gone from a bright and sunny smile to grey and broody.
They’ll leave the party to get some fresh air finding the room to stuffy and making them flush. Suffering with headaches, worse from the heat but no thirst.
Enjoying all the sweet buffet cakes and biscuits will suffer from overindulging on sugary foods, may suffer with Diarrhoea.
Scholten, J, 1997, Homeopathy and Minerals 3rd Edition: Stitchting Alonnissos.
Vermeulen, F, Prisma, 2004, The Arcana of Materia medica illuminated third edition: Emryss bv Publishing.