Stramonium is a big children’s remedy for night terrors which we can completely understand when we consider its main themes Stramonium’s imagination is literally running wild. Cerebral inflammation creates inflammatory behavior within Stramonium, the inner self seemingly lost in his imaginary madness to those that look on.
The main themes running through Stramonium, a member of the hallucinogenic nightshade family are ones of violence and terror. The patient is described as, in an imaginary world, they see things, they are afraid of the unknown (manifesting as darkness). Symptoms with motion and energy are acute.
There is no surprise really to see these where these qualities originate when we look at the plant itself. The flower the smallest of the Datura genus which is shaped as a trumpet shaped of Stramonium opens only at nighttime attracting months and hummingbirds the effect of its nectar is intoxicating. The mechanism for human “toxicity is competitive blockade of acetylcholine at muscarinic receptors, both centrally and peripherally, as well as at ends of organ sites and of the parasympathetic nervous system” (Taylor C 2019. notes). The effects are rapid within 30 -60 mins and the energetic state can remain for 1-2 days. Locked in a world of their own hallucinogenic imagination, the journey is far from fun as darkness descends. Reality is totally distorted. They are frightened and scared by even familiar people and objects which are transformed, believed to be from the animal or underworlds appear in vicious attack. In addition to these main themes, we find supporting references (Mind-Behavior; problems – children in; nightmares; with (11)), (Mind-Fear-dark; of (13)), (Mind-Foolish Behavior-Children in (10)).
In Stramonium fear, especially the dark causes a great anxiety, we already know the effects it has on the para sympathetic system evoking the flight or fight response. So terrified are these people they that they either withdraw or lash out in self-protection (Mind-Maliciousness, Mind-Attacks, others; desires to (6)). Feeling as if everything is real will vividly describe what they have seen, the mind is alert, senses heightened. A sleep full of dreams and turmoil.
They do not recognize people or things that are familiar to them. Imagining objects animals, dogs and ghosts are trying to attack them. “a dog is biting him, tearing flesh from his chest” (Tyler.1952:776). Vivid hallucinations take control with no recognition for reality of the world around them, (Mind Delusions, Imagines, Phantoms; sees – rising out of the earth (7)). In contrast to attack and escape the threat of darkness he tries retreat to the light, for salvation, where the patient real feels safe and secure (Mind-Insanity, Company; with desire for light; and (7)). Seeking the light Seeing the light or the familiar makes them clingy to loved ones “impressions of danger, clings to persons who held him in her lap” (Tyler.1952:773).
In Stramonium there is general restlessness comes from fear of violence again fight or get away. Delirium Tremens, Hallucinations which especially at night put the patient into wildest restlessness (Tyler.1952:774) twitching of hands and feet” trembling of the whole body seem as if it is in a great fight”. (Tyler.1952:775)
Stramonium, through fear has withdrawn to their inner imaginary world full of the unknown. Here it is just as full of full of terror and darkness. Madness on the inside makes him lash out.
For Stramonium, it is all a dream. However, to them, it seems very, very real.
Murphy R. N.D (2206) Homeopathic Clinical Repertory. Lotus Health Institute
Murphy R. N.D (2206). Natures Materia Medica 3rd edition. Lotus Health Institute
Tyler M.L (1952) 3d edition. Homeopathic Drug Pictures. Billings and Sons Limited.
Vermeulen F, (2002) Prisma. Emryss.
Taylor C (2019) Stramonium. South Downs School of Homeopathy