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Family Summer Travel Remedies

Take care of you family's health naturally this summer with a few essential travel remedies.

Travel Sickness: Ipecac 

Constant desire to vomit. Doing so does not relive.

Better for fresh Air

Worse for Motion  

Sickness and Diarrhoea: Arsenicum Album

Sickness and Diarrhoea, food poisoning. Anxious, restless needy. Often cold shivers.

Better for sitting up 

Worse for smell or mere thought of food


Sunburn: Cantharis

Sunburn with Blisters. Restless with serve pain after burning. Vesicles itching with great burning. 

Better for Cold applications relieve

Worse for the sound of water

Sunstroke: Belladonna 

Sudden onset of complaint, heat and throbbing in the head sensitive to the light. Red face. 

Better  for (craves) cold lemonade

Worse for light of the sun

Bites: Ledum 

All bites, especially puncture bites.Skin is itchy and red with a feeling of heat.

Better: for cold application

Worse Itching at night 

Stings: Apis

Stinging. prickly burning pains. Redness with swelling “like that of the bee”.  feels as if the skin would rip

Better for cool air, bathing

Worse for Touch

Heat Rash:  Natrum Muricum 

Itching and prickling heat rash which gets aggravated from sun exposure. 

Better for being in open air

Worse for Sympathy

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